RT @alemannoatEU: join us in Copenaghen to take st…
RT @alemannoatEU: join us in Copenaghen to take stock of the first 5 years of Applied Behavioural Science in Public Policy and for… fb.me/1mqocRZlO
RT @alemannoatEU: join us in Copenaghen to take stock of the first 5 years of Applied Behavioural Science in Public Policy and for… fb.me/1mqocRZlO
“Una soluzione per sburocratizzare l’Italia” di @matteomotte @alemannoatEU bit.ly/1fjCAK2 @lavoce @Tboeri @ricpuglisi @TNannicini
RT @B_I_Tweets: Article by @alemannoatEU on the case for an italian nudge unit (though name needs a bit of work! Italy Be-have Unit): albertoalemanno.eu/articles/italy…
“Sburocratizzare l’Italia”. Per un Behavioural Team italiano bit.ly/1fjCAK2 @matteomotte @alemannoatEU #nudge #ItalyBehaveUnit
“A Bruxelles niente trappole”, di @matteomotte e @alemannoatEU / @24Domenica: cresa.eu/pubblicazione/… Beware of #cognitivepredators! #nudge
“L’#Europa come spinta gentile”, by @matteomotte and @alemannoatEU // @sole24ore: cresa.eu/pubblicazione/… #nudge #evidencebasedpolicy #EU