RT @matteomotte: #lamiafilosofia @MyUniSR invito a…
RT @matteomotte: #lamiafilosofia @MyUniSR invito a dire la vostra su @24Domenica @sole24ore grazie @Massarenti24 @RobertoMordacci http://t.co/a1Mx44CLHV
RT @matteomotte: #lamiafilosofia @MyUniSR invito a dire la vostra su @24Domenica @sole24ore grazie @Massarenti24 @RobertoMordacci http://t.co/a1Mx44CLHV
RT @MyUniSR: Intervista a Matteo Motterlini “La scienza dei calci di rigori” RSI TG La1 youtube.com/watch?v=LCl98y…
“#Scienza e ricorso ai #metodiquantitativi sdoganano l’errore dal mondo del pregiudizio” @foscocasantica | @pagina_99 pagina99.it/blog/6508/L-on…
RT @LucaAterini: Human Brain Project, la nebbia sul futuro del cervello inizia a diradarsi shar.es/NPBjd @CresaResearch @francescagino
Can you be #nudged into saving money? Some companies are banking on it: pbs.org/newshour/updat…
RT @LucaAterini: Human Brain Project, le ragioni di un neuroscienziato scettico shar.es/NiUug @bendemartino @CresaResearch @foscocasantica
RT @matteomotte: don’t forget to drink – nudging for health – smart refresh cap #nudge @OgilvyChange @CresaResearch @TENudge youtube.com/watch?v=yyRgQJ… …
“Head of White House #NudgeUnit Maya Shankar Speaks about Newly Formed US Social and Behavioral Sciences Team #SBST“: thepsychreport.com/current-events…
Intervista a @matteomotte, life speaker a #bDf14 | @ArtOfDecisions: betterdecisionsforum.com/2014/07/interv… #behaviouralpolicy #neuroeconomics #nudgeitaly
RT @ArtOfDecisions: Un mondo migliore grazie a decisioni migliori? Se sai come funziona il cervello: @matteomotte intervistato a #bDf14 betterdecisionsforum.com/2014/07/interv…
“Se #GERARG finisse ai #rigori” @matteomotte @carlo_canepa | @lavoceinfo: lavoce.info/germania-argen… #Mondiali2014 http://t.co/CeM78qV6PG
RT @francescagino: People can be nudged into cooperation, goo.gl/oDrQE3 via @NatureNews @ideas42 @Nudgeblog
RT @Peguha: @R_Thaler It’s happening – our #nudge proposal for prompted choice for organ donation has become Danish policy dr.dk/Nyheder/Politi…
The 19th century was the Hygiene Century The 20th the Medicine Century The 21st will be the #BehaviorChange Century. @matteomotte @TENudge
RT @matteomotte: nuove etichette che non fanno bene all’ ambiente #sperimentare prima non dopo #nudge #behavioralchange @wireditalia wired.it/attualita/ambi…
RT @matteomotte: psychology matters in tax system #nudge #fiscal blackmail #economist @TENudge @CresaResearch @B_I_Tweets economist.com/news/finance-a…
RT @Peguha: A thoughful piece about the policy of #nudge in Singapore singapolitics.sg/views/giving-p…
#Spintagentile, scienze comportamentali e politiche pubbliche | Due pagine di @foscocasantica su @pagina_99 #nudge http://t.co/WTl71Ghrku
RT @matteomotte: @riotta no #DataDriven Policy no party ecco esempio lavoce.info/multe-contenzi… @alemannoEU @CresaResearch #evidencebasedpolicy @giovanniferrar
Come studiare sperimentalmente l’#irrazionalità. @matteomotte al #BetterDecisionsForum2014 | @ArtOfDecisions : betterdecisionsforum.com/2014/07/bdf14-… #BdF14
RT @ArtOfDecisions: Quello che non sapevi sui calci di rigore, spiegato da @matteomotte e @carlo_canepa del CRESA, in attesa dei i quarti betterdecisionsforum.com/2014/07/calci-…
Articolo interattivo. Calci di #rigore: caso o necessità? @matteomotte @carlo_canepa | @ArtOfDecisions: betterdecisionsforum.com/2014/07/calci-… #Mondiali2014
Oggi #FranciaGermania e #BrasileColombia. Se finissero ai #rigori? Ecco alcuni dati interessanti: wired.it/scienza/lab/20… #brasile2014
RT @matteomotte: mia intervista su calci di rigore e trappole mentali riotta.it/articoli/come-… @riotta @CresaResearch @wireditalia @carlo_canepa @Massarenti24
“Come non sbagliare un calcio di #rigore“. Nuova intervista a @matteomotte su riotta.it @riotta: riotta.it/articoli/come-… #motterlini
Economia, statistica, psicologia e calci di #rigore. Siamo su @wireditalia e @sole24ore: bit.ly/1x69euf & bit.ly/1mMUf0c
RT @riotta: Bellissimo articolo @wireditalia su calci di rigore, vero DataDrivenJournalism @massimo_russo riotta.it wired.it/scienza/lab/20…
CRESA is now member of “The European Nudge Network”! @TENudge: cresa.eu/2014/07/il-cre… #nudge #behaviouralpolicy
“Investitori in trappola. Cognitiva” @foscocasantica su @lavoceinfo. #Investimente di @matteomotte #motterlini: cresa.eu/pubblicazione/…
RT @matteomotte: ora che European Nudge Network e’ realta #Sburocratizzare italia con scienze comportamentali #Ten @Peguha @alemannoEU matteomotterlini.it/upload/6f/6f49…
RT @matteomotte: Europe as a Nudge new behavioural insights Unit at European Commission @XTroussard @Peguha @matteorenzi @CassSunstein cresa.eu/wp-content/upl…
RT @XTroussard: 1st day as the head of the new Foresight and behavioural insights Unit at the Joint Research Center of the European Commission. Exciting!
RT @LucaAterini: Le riforme vanno testate, come i farmaci: presto l’Ue avrà la sua nudge unit per farlo shar.es/MyppI @alemannoEU @CresaResearch
“L’insostenibile scienza dei calci di rigore”, @matteomotte e @carlo_canepa | @wireditalia: wired.it/scienza/lab/20… #Brazil2014 #soccernomics
“Il perfetto calcio di #rigore: caso o necessità?” di @matteomotte | @24Domenica: cresa.eu/pubblicazione/… #motterlini http://t.co/Mm9W5XTocs
The European #Nudge Network – whose CRESA is member – is starting now! Follow the conference @TENudge #TENudge http://t.co/OaHXgsaQd7
RT @TENudge: @CassSunstein talks about the past, present and future for Nudge. Impressively great talk! http://t.co/bNBGthENBT
RT @TENudge: Tomorrow we launch The European Nudge Network with the presence of @R_Thaler, @CassSunstein, @owainservice & many more…
RT @matteomotte: UniSr is leading 3 out of 3 #università #ricerca @MyUniSR @CresaResearch http://t.co/C4MTYs8Q1l
“Lampadine: l’etichetta non “illumina” il consumatore, lo confonde” di @matteomotte e @carlo_canepa, su @wireditalia: wired.it/attualita/ambi…
RT @foscocasantica: Decrescita felice? Non sembra proprio stradeonline.it/innovazione-e-… via @Strade_Magazine
RT @foscocasantica: La tecnologia ucciderà il libro. Oppure lo salverà: lavoce.info/libri-bambini-…
#SRSSP14: “Real Selves? #Subjectivity and the Subpersonal #Mind” | Michele Di Francesco (CRESA, Milan & IUSS, Pavia) http://t.co/ni6xzyU3sB
#SRSSP14: “Defending the Trascendental Attitude” | Dermot Moran (University College Dublin) http://t.co/sKzB1yEnF0
#SRSSP14 “How #Naturalism Can Save the #Self” | Michael Pauen (Berlin School of Mind and Brain & Humboldt University) http://t.co/aeDbw2gbI7
#SRSSP14: “#Naturalism and #Realism” | Mario De Caro (University of Roma Tre & Tufts University) http://t.co/YJ7Tlibroa
#SPSSP14 “#Compatibilism, #Agency and the First-Person Perspective” | Sofia Bonicalzi (University of Pavia) http://t.co/wG1uzjvi1G
#SRSSP14: “#Constitution, Mechanism, and Downward Causation” | Alan McKay (Queen’s University Belfast) http://t.co/nDZbute90e
#SRSSP14: “Cartesianism and the First-Person Perspective” | Lynne Rudder Baker (University of Massachussets, Amherst) http://t.co/hkHVcCSFDQ
Tomorrow! #SRSSP14: “#Naturalism, the First Person Perspective and the Embodied Mind: Lynne Baker’s Challenge” http://t.co/gqg5WbG3rM
Special thank to @MyUniSR, IUSS, PRIN, SeLP, which have funded #FilMat14, to all the speakers & organizing committee filmat-network.com
#FilMat14: The First international conference of the Italian Network for the Philosophy of Mathematics is finally over. See you next year!
#FilMat14: “The Absolutely Infinite” | Leon Horsten (University of Bristol) http://t.co/52C6MkD8qh
#FilMat14: “Are Forcing Axioms Natural #Axioms?” | Giorgio Venturi (CLE, University of Campinas) http://t.co/HPyIJMfSTx
#FilMat14: “Believing the New Axioms” | Claudio Ternullo, Sy-David Friedman (Kurt Gödel Research Center, Vienna) http://t.co/FuiSxlNBVd
#FilMat14: “Are #DiagrammaticProofs Legitimate?” | Andi Yu (Oxford University) http://t.co/PauETLmC4h
#FilMat14: “Empirically Feasible #Epistemology of #Arithmetic” | Marcus Pantsar (University of Helsinki, LMU Munich) http://t.co/56GuLKPixJ
#FilMat14: “#Bootstrapping Rebooted” | Mario Santos-Sousa (UCL) http://t.co/hgRBDwS3DH
#FilMat14 “On the Constitutive Role of Mathematisation in Economic Modelling” | Davide Rizza (University of Norwich) http://t.co/QePBDLKYZW
#FilMat14 “Ontology and Application in #Pincock’s Account: a Weak Link?” | Marina Imocrante (Università S. Raffaele) http://t.co/SoKSSf0lSw
#FilMat14 “Multiversism and the Prob. of Reference: How much Relativism is Acceptable?” | Neil Barton (Birkbeck C.) http://t.co/UAwurCPvV0
#FilMat14: “Arbitrary Descriptive Names and the #BenacerrafProblem” | Michele Palmira (Univ. of Modena/Reggio Emilia) http://t.co/AHswg43bKH
#FilMat14 “#Computability, #Finiteness and the Standard Model of #Arithmetic” | Matteo Plebani (Univ. of Basilicata) http://t.co/jolsRlAoSt
#FilMat14: “#Incompleteness and the Flow of Truth” | Mario Piazza (University of Chieti-Pescara) http://t.co/xDUmTHJo1N
#FilMat14 “Category Theory and Set T.: Algebraic Set T. as an Ex. Of their Interaction” | Brice Halimi (Paris U.) http://t.co/BHE7IewnLm
#FilMat14 “Modality, #AbstractStructures and Second-Order Logic” | Robert Black (University of Nottingham) http://t.co/orVibBpORs
#FilMat14: “Notes on Typed-Truth and Consistency Assertions” | Carlo Nicolai (University of Oxford) http://t.co/IwMsr7ksnb
#FilMat14 “Logic of #Grounding: An Alternative Approach” | Francesca Poggiolesi (CNRS, CEPERC, Marseille University) http://t.co/vg1dOCBzyN
#FilMat14 Day1 is over. See you tomorrow! | @MyUniSR #Milan #philosophyofmathematics http://t.co/qRsGnT2ULU
#FilMat14: “True V or not True V, that is the Question” | Gianluigi Oliveri (University of Palermo) http://t.co/YO1k8Aah0Z
#FilMat14 “What are Structural Properties?” | Georg Schiemer (University of Vienna), Johannes Korbmacher (MCMP) http://t.co/hQlEqxgwPj
#FilMat14 “The Significance of Categoricity for Formal Theories and Informal Beliefs”| Samantha Pollock (Bristol U.) http://t.co/TBAEyBacSk
#FilMat14: “Definitions by Abstraction and Reference to Abstract Objects” | Aldo Antonelli (University of California) http://t.co/Kcg775o8ya
“#Structures and #Logics: a case for relativism” Seminary by Stewart Shapiro (The Ohio State University) #FilMat14 http://t.co/KVQe36Cnsk
“Produttività del lavoro e incentivi: ricette per grandi aziende e startup” di @foscocasantica #gamification workingcapital.telecomitalia.it/2014/05/produt…
“Philosophy of mathematics: objectivity, cognition, and proof” #FilMat 2014 coming up tomorrow! See you at @MyUniSR! http://t.co/psPrVenFMc
“The iterative #conception: what is it and what is it for” Seminary by Luca Incurvati (University Of Amsterdam) http://t.co/7naYlZ41BN
Scribing Talk ~ @matteomotte at #bDf14 @ArtOfDecisions #motterlini #decisionmaking #irrationality #neuroeconomics http://t.co/eQp3PzwmsT
Today, @matteomotte Speaker at Better Decisions Forum 2014. #nudge #neuroeconomics | @ArtOfDecisions: betterdecisionsforum.com #bDf14
Program Updated! “1st International #FilMat Conference. Philosophy of mathematics: objectivity, cognition, and proof” cresa.eu/2014/05/philos…
#Quine‘s Reading Group: “#Naturalism; Or, Living Within One’s Means” | Final presentation by @jqmgnn http://t.co/9WSOrlRfLx
“AppyMeteo, ecco i primi dati!” @foscocasantica su @Greenreport_it: cresa.eu/2014/05/appyme… #happyness http://t.co/VFxe9El9vp
“Cerebral Articulation of #LexicalCompetence” #DiegoMarconi Seminary in “Philosophy of Cognitive Sciences Series” http://t.co/rcbW0MljtJ
#Motterlini al @wireditalia Next Fest: “Conoscere il cervello per migliorare i comportamenti” wired.it/scienza/lab/20… http://t.co/1eU24IlJ3Y
RT @LucaAterini: Viaggio nel #cervello,alla ricerca della mente: l’uomo è davvero libero? shar.es/SFPFx @foscocasantica @bendemartino @CresaResearch
“Philosophy of mathematics: objectivity, cognition, and proof” (@ 1st International FilMat Conference ~ 29-31/5/2014) cresa.eu/2014/05/philos…
RT @ArtOfDecisions: In tempo di crisi conoscere il cervello può migliorare l’economia che ci circonda? Ce lo dirà @matteomotte, speaker al #bdf14
“Ontology of Deontics: the ‘Isness’ of Ought”. Simposium by #JohnSearle. Now @unimi http://t.co/h7zvoiaxq9
RT @LucaAterini: Ecco AppyMeteo, il primo barometro della felicità che studia le emozioni d’Italia shar.es/SIR6M @foscocasantica @andreabiancini
“Induction of self awareness in #dreams through frontal low current stimulation of gamma activity”: nature.com/neuro/journal/…
“La multa con lo sconto non funziona”. Interviste a @matteomotte e @carlo_canepa | TgLa7 Cronache, Radio Radicale: cresa.eu/2014/05/multe-…
Economia e felicità: l’applicazione #Appymeteo è online! Complimenti a @foscocasantica e @andreabiancini: cresa.eu/2014/05/econom… #happyness
Domani mattina, ore 8.30, @foscocasantica ospite a “Il Viaggiatore” (Radio1) parlerà di economia della felicità! radio1.rai.it/dl/portaleRadi…
“Dimmi chi sei, ti dirò gli errori da evitare”, @matteomotte e #Investimente su @sole24ore: cresa.eu/pubblicazione/… #finanzacomportamentale
“Quando la #multa con lo sconto non funziona”, di @matteomotte e @carlo_canepa su @lavoceinfo: lavoce.info/multe-contenzi…
“Philosophy of Social Science: A New Introduction” | Seminary by Nancy Cartwright and Eleonora Montuschi. @CaFoscari http://t.co/jK7mCKyMwg
“Behavioural Exchange. 1st International Behavioural Inisights Conference” | Sydney, 2-3 June 2014 @Bx2014Sydney bx2014.org
RT @B_I_Tweets: The Behavioural Insights Team publishes a new framework for policymakers. It’s called EAST: behaviouralinsights.co.uk/publications/e…
“#Quine‘s Reading Group” is starting now! #naturalizedepistemology #UniSR #philosophyofscience http://t.co/YINjkZ4q3z
RT @alemannoatEU: join us in Copenaghen to take stock of the first 5 years of Applied Behavioural Science in Public Policy and for… fb.me/1mqocRZlO